The Mason City Assessor's Office will be closed on Monday February 17th in observance of Presidents Day
When an assessed value is raised or lowered on a property, a valuation change notice is sent to the property owner.

Notices are mailed every year by April 1 (or the following business day if April 1 falls on a weekend) for all values that saw a change.

If you disagree with the assessed value of your property, please consider these questions before proceeding:

If you still feel the value is incorrect, you have several options:

Request an Informal Review

Between April 2nd and April 25th, you may schedule a meeting with the Assessor's Office to discuss your assessment. As a part of this meeting, you may make a request to have your value adjusted. If you and the Assessor come to an agreement on an adjusted value, then both parties will sign the informal review form, and the value will be changed. If an agreement is not reached by April 25th, you may choose to appeal to the Mason City Board of Review through April 30th

Informal Appeal Form Informal Appeal Guidelines

File a Protest

The board operates independently from the Assessor’s office and has the power to either confirm an assessment or make an adjustment (either upward or downward). Protests must be filed between April 2nd and April 30th to be considered. Protests must be in writing and signed by either the person protesting or a duly authorized agent. The protester may request an oral hearing with the Board if a request is made in writing at the time of filing.  Please note, the petition form is a legal document. Our office is happy to answer any questions you have, however, we are unable to offer legal advice about your protest. If you are unsure how to fill out the form, we strongly suggest you contact an attorney.

Petition to Local Board of Review Form Board of Review Filing Guidelines

Further Appeal Options

If you still disagree after the board has made a decision, you may protest to either the Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) or District Court.